Daisy | Movement + Seasonal Wellness

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Carob Nut Balls with Strawberry Glaze

It’s no secret that carob is a favourite in my kitchen – mainly because I don’t eat chocolate but still, I actually really like the taste.

Plus, by using carob, I get to share my creations with Mozzie (my dog)!

These are super easy to make and super fun to say 

I decided to call them Nut Balls – that’s exactly what they are.

All you’ll really need is a food processor and some time – the time is for rolling everything up into bitesized balls.

Since the mixture falls apart pretty easy, you’ll need to pay attention to the consistency of the mix. Make sure you start assembling the balls when you notice the mixture sticking together – an easy way to tell when they’re good to go is by grabbing a small pinch and if you notice it sticks together easily, you’re ready to move on. If not, keep the food processor going – it’ll save you a lot of time.

Rolling them up will only take you a few minutes if the consistency is just right.

Once you’ve got them all ready to go, it’s time for the glaze.

Again, super easy to make. Only two ingredients needed – frozen strawberries (a few blueberries snuck into mine) and dates. The water from the frozen berries will make it a little watery for the perfect glaze.

Once you top off your nut balls, you can save the rest of the glaze for tomorrow’s pancakes or waffles.

If you’d like it a little sweeter or less sweet, play with the amount of dates. You really don’t need added sugar on this.

Pouring a little colour overtop just makes each individual nut ball a little more appealing for both yourself and your guests – if you decide to share.

Carob Nut Balls Recipe


1/2 cup unsalted sunflower seeds

1/2 cup unsalted almonds

1/2 cup pitted dates

2 tbs carob

1/8 sea salt

Natural Strawberry Glaze Recipe


1 cup frozen strawberries

3 pitted dates


Mindset Pairing: I treat my body the way I want to be treated.