Daisy | Movement + Seasonal Wellness

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Gluten-Free Carob Coffee Oatmeal Bake

I'm not much of a leftover person but I do love having things pre-ready for an easy meal/snack/whatever I feel inspired to make.

And the other day, it was breakfast!

Now, just for context, I tend to gravitate toward a delicious, nutrient-packed smoothie that will carry me through to lunch (or beyond) but this day, I wanted something different and eggs just wouldn't cut it.

Enter the oatmeal bake.

The Ayurvedic Approach

Through my Ayurveda training, I'm now all about increasing my digestive fire, my family's - including my four-legged <3, and anyone I work with so, it was important to create a simple bake that satisfies the ayurvedic principles to create harmony within - tridoshic.

Carob Coffee Oatmeal Bake Recipe

1 1/2 c nut milk
1/2 c brewed coffee, room temperature
1/2 c applesauce, unsweetened
1 egg
1 tbsp coconut oil, melted & cool
2 c gluten free old fashioned rolled oats
1/2 c carob chips, unsweetened
1/4 c walnuts, ground
1/2 tbsp coffee grounds, finely ground
1/2 tsp cinnamon

1. Grease 8x8 baking dish & preheat oven to 350 degrees
2. Whisk all wet ingredients in a large mixing bowl (milk, coffee, applesauce, egg, and coconut oil)
3. In a separate bowl, mix all dry ingredients (oats, carob, walnuts, coffee ground, and cinnamon)
4. Fold dry ingredients into wet ingredients
5. Pour mix into prepared baking dish
6. Bake for 35 minutes or until you notice the edges browning
7. Remove from oven and let sit until cool
8. Serve warm with a drizzle of honey or maple syrup - to taste.

You'll want to store in the fridge covered or in an airtight container.

I hope you enjoy! And yes, this is nutrient-dense breakfast approved.